Quickstart Guide

Defining the GTPSA

A Descriptor defines all information about the GTPSA, including the number of variables and truncation orders for each variable. The constructors for a Descriptor including only variables are:

# 2 variables with max truncation order 10
d1 = Descriptor(2, 10)
GTPSA Descriptor
# Variables:       2
Maximum order:     10
# 3 variables with individual truncation orders 1, 2, 3 and max truncation order 6
d2 = Descriptor([1, 2, 3], 6)
GTPSA Descriptor
# Variables:       3
Variable orders:  [1, 2, 3]
Maximum order:     6

Calculating a TPS

After defining a Descriptor for the TPSA, the variables (which themselves are represented as TPSs) can be obtained using vars or complexvars. For example, to calculate the Taylor series for $f(x_1,x_2) = \cos{(x_1)} + \sqrt{1+x_2}$ to 4th order in $x_1$ and but only 1st order in $x_2$ (up to maximally 1 + 4 = 5th order):

d = Descriptor([4, 1], 5);

# Returns a Vector of each variable as a TPS
x = vars(d)
2-element Vector{TPS64}:
  Out  Coefficient                Order   Exponent
   1:   1.0000000000000000e+00      1      1   0
   2:   1.0000000000000000e+00      1      0   1

These TPSs can then be manipulated just like any other mathematical quantity in Julia:

f = cos(x[1]) + sqrt(1 + x[2])
 Coefficient                Order   Exponent
  2.0000000000000000e+00      0      0   0
  5.0000000000000000e-01      1      0   1
 -5.0000000000000000e-01      2      2   0
  4.1666666666666664e-02      4      4   0

A blank TPS with all coefficients equal to zero can be created using TPS(use=d). This will construct a new TPS where each monomial coefficient is a Float64. If use is not explicitly passed in the constructor, then the global GTPSA.desc_current, which is set each time a new Descriptor is defined, will be used. Equivalently, TPS64(use=d) or TPS{Float64}(use=d) could have been used; a TPS is a parametric type where the type parameter specifies the number type that the TPS represents, and therefore the number type for each monomial coefficient in the TPS. TPS64 is an alias for TPS{Float64}, and if no type parameter is specified, then the default is TPS64. Likewise, a blank complex TPS can be created used ComplexTPS64(use=d) or TPS{ComplexF64}(use=d), with ComplexTPS64 being an alias for TPS{ComplexF64}. Currently, the GTPSA library only supports TPSs representing Float64 and ComplexF64 number types.

A regular scalar number a can be promoted to a TPS using TPS(a) (note by excluding the use keyword argument, GTPSA.desc_current is used for the Descriptor). In this case, the type parameter of the TPS is inferred from the type of a.

When a TPS contains a lot of variables, the default output showing each variable exponent can be larger than the screen can show. A global variable GTPSA.show_sparse, which is by default set to false, can be set to true to instead show each specific monomial instead of the exponents for each variable:

d = Descriptor(10, 10);
x = vars(d);

GTPSA.show_sparse = true;
g = sin(x[1]*x[3]^2) + cos(x[2]*x[7]);

 Coefficient                Order   Monomial
  1.0000000000000000e+00      0     1
  1.0000000000000000e+00      3     (x₁)¹ (x₃)²
 -5.0000000000000000e-01      4     (x₂)² (x₇)²
  4.1666666666666664e-02      8     (x₂)⁴ (x₇)⁴
 -1.6666666666666666e-01      9     (x₁)³ (x₃)⁶

Another global variable GTPSA.show_eps can be set to exclude showing monomials with coefficients having an absolute value less than GTPSA.show_eps.

Partial Derivative Getting/Setting

Individual Monomial Coefficient


The value of a partial derivative is equal to the monomial coefficient in the Taylor series multiplied by a constant factor. E.g. for an expansion around zero $f(x)\approx f(0) + \frac{\partial f}{\partial x}\rvert_0x + \frac{1}{2!}\frac{\partial^2 f}{\partial x^2}\rvert_0 x^2 + ...$, the 2nd order monomial coefficient is $\frac{1}{2!}\frac{\partial^2 f}{\partial x^2}\rvert_0$.

Individual monomial coefficients in a TPS t can be get/set with three methods of indexing:

  1. By Order: t[[<x_1 order>, ..., <x_nv order>]]. For example, for a TPS with three variables $x_1$, $x_2$, and $x_3$, the $x_1^3x_2^1$ monomial coefficient is accessed with t[[3,1,0]] or equivalently t[[3,1]], as leaving out trailing zeros for unincluded variables is allowed. A tuple is also allowed instead of a vector for the list of orders.
  2. By Sparse Monomial t[[<ix_var> => <order>, ...]]. This method of indexing is convenient when a TPS contains many variables and parameters. For example, for a TPS with variables $x_1,x_2,...x_{100}$, the $x_{1}^3x_{99}^1$ monomial coefficient is accessed with t[[1=>3, 99=>1]]. A tuple is also allowed instead of a vector for the list of pairs.
  3. By Monomial Index t[idx]. This method is generally not recommended for indexing above first order. Indexes the TPS with all monomials sorted by order. For example, for a TPS with two variables $x_1$ and $x_2$, the $x_1$ monomial is indexed with t[1] and the $x_1^2$ monomial is indexed with t[3]. The zeroth order part, or the scalar part of the TPS, can be set with t[0]. This method requires zero allocations for indexing, unlike the other two.

These three methods of indexing are best shown with an example:

# Example of indexing by order -----------
d = Descriptor(3, 10);
t = TPS(use=d); # Create zero TPS based on d

t[[0]] = 1;
t[[1]] = 2;
t[[0,1]] = 3;
t[(0,0,1)] = 4;  # Tuples also allowed
t[(2,1,3)] = 5;

 Coefficient                Order   Exponent
  1.0000000000000000e+00      0      0   0   0
  2.0000000000000000e+00      1      1   0   0
  3.0000000000000000e+00      1      0   1   0
  4.0000000000000000e+00      1      0   0   1
  5.0000000000000000e+00      6      2   1   3
# Example of indexing by sparse monomial -----------
d = Descriptor(3, 10);
t = TPS(use=d); # Create zero TPS based on d

t[[1=>1]] = 2;
t[[2=>1]] = 3;
t[[3=>1]] = 4;
t[(1=>2,2=>1,3=>3)] = 5;  # Tuples also allowed

 Coefficient                Order   Exponent
  2.0000000000000000e+00      1      1   0   0
  3.0000000000000000e+00      1      0   1   0
  4.0000000000000000e+00      1      0   0   1
  5.0000000000000000e+00      6      2   1   3
# Example of indexing by monomial index -----------
d = Descriptor(3, 10);
t = TPS(use=d); # Create zero TPS based on d

t[0] = 0;
t[1] = 1;
t[2] = 2;
t[3] = 3;
t[4] = 4;
t[5] = 5;
t[6] = 6;
t[7] = 7;
t[8] = 8;
t[9] = 9;
t[10] = 10;
 Coefficient                Order   Exponent
  1.0000000000000000e+00      1      1   0   0
  2.0000000000000000e+00      1      0   1   0
  3.0000000000000000e+00      1      0   0   1
  4.0000000000000000e+00      2      2   0   0
  5.0000000000000000e+00      2      1   1   0
  6.0000000000000000e+00      2      0   2   0
  7.0000000000000000e+00      2      1   0   1
  8.0000000000000000e+00      2      0   1   1
  9.0000000000000000e+00      2      0   0   2
  1.0000000000000000e+01      3      3   0   0

Gradients, Jacobians, Hessians

The convenience getters gradient, jacobian, and hessian (as well as their corresponding in-place methods gradient!, jacobian!, and hessian!) are also provided for extracting partial derivatives from a TPS/Vector of TPSs. Note that these functions are not actually calculating anything - at this point the TPS should already have been propagated through the system, and these functions are just extracting the corresponding partial derivatives. Note that these function names are not exported, because they are commonly used by other automatic differentiation packages.

using GTPSA; GTPSA.show_header=false; GTPSA.show_sparse=false; #hide
# 2nd Order TPSA with 100 variables
d = Descriptor(100, 2);
x = vars(d);

out = cumsum(x);

# Convenience getters for partial derivative extracting:
grad1 = GTPSA.gradient(out[1]);
J = GTPSA.jacobian(out);
h1 = GTPSA.hessian(out[1]);

# Also in-place getters
GTPSA.gradient!(grad1, out[1]);
GTPSA.jacobian!(J, out);
GTPSA.hessian!(h1, out[1]);

Slicing a TPS

Parts of a TPS with certain variable orders can be extracted by slicing the TPS. When indexing by order, a colon (:) can be used in place for a variable order to include all orders of that variable. If the last specified index is a colon, then the rest of the variable indices are assumed to be colons:

d = Descriptor(5, 10);
x = vars(d);

f = 2*x[1]^2*x[3] + 3*x[1]^2*x[2]*x[3]*x[4]^2*x[5] + 6*x[3] + 5;
g = f[[2,:,1]];
h = f[[2,:,1,:]];

 Coefficient                Order   Exponent
  5.0000000000000000e+00      0      0   0   0   0   0
  6.0000000000000000e+00      1      0   0   1   0   0
  2.0000000000000000e+00      3      2   0   1   0   0
  3.0000000000000000e+00      7      2   1   1   2   1
 Coefficient                Order   Exponent
  2.0000000000000000e+00      3      2   0   1   0   0
 Coefficient                Order   Exponent
  2.0000000000000000e+00      3      2   0   1   0   0
  3.0000000000000000e+00      7      2   1   1   2   1

A TPS can also be sliced with indexing by sparse monomial. In this case, if a colon is included anywhere in the sparse monomial index, then all orders of all variables not explicity specified will be included:

 # Colon position does not matter in sparse-monomial indexing
g = f[[1=>2, :, 3=>1, 4=>0, 5=>0]];
h = f[[1=>2, 3=>1, :]];

 Coefficient                Order   Exponent
  2.0000000000000000e+00      3      2   0   1   0   0
 Coefficient                Order   Exponent
  2.0000000000000000e+00      3      2   0   1   0   0
  3.0000000000000000e+00      7      2   1   1   2   1

@FastGTPSA/@FastGTPSA! Macros

The macros @FastGTPSA/@FastGTPSA! can be used to speed up evaluation of expressions that may contain TPSs. Both macros are completely transparent to all other types, so they can be prepended to any existing expressions while still maintaining type-generic code. Any functions in the expression that are not overloaded by GTPSA will be ignored. Both macros do NOT use any -ffast-math business (so still IEEE compliant), but instead will use a thread-safe pre-allocated buffer in the Descriptor for any temporaries that may be generated during evaluation of the expression.

The first macro, @FastGTPSA can be prepended to an expression following assignment (=, +=, etc) to only construct one TPS (which requires two allocations), instead of a TPS for every temporary:

julia> using GTPSA, BenchmarkTools
julia> d = Descriptor(3, 7); x = vars(d);
julia> @btime $x[1]^3*sin($x[2])/log(2+$x[3])-exp($x[1]*$x[2])*im; 6.169 μs (20 allocations: 11.88 KiB)
julia> @btime @FastGTPSA $x[1]^3*sin($x[2])/log(2+$x[3])-exp($x[1]*$x[2])*im; 5.467 μs (2 allocations: 1.94 KiB)
julia> y = rand(3); # transparent to non-TPS types
julia> @btime $y[1]^3*sin($y[2])/log(2+$y[3])-exp($y[1]*$y[2])*im; 20.389 ns (0 allocations: 0 bytes)
julia> @btime @FastGTPSA $y[1]^3*sin($y[2])/log(2+$y[3])-exp($y[1]*$y[2])*im; 21.374 ns (0 allocations: 0 bytes)

The second macro, @FastGTPSA! can be prepended to the LHS of an assignment, and will fill a preallocated TPS with the result of an expression. @FastGTPSA! will calculate a TPS expression with zero allocations, and will still have no impact if a non-TPS type is used. The only requirement is that all symbols in the expression are defined:

julia> t = ComplexTPS64(); # pre-allocate
julia> @btime @FastGTPSA! $t = $x[1]^3*sin($x[2])/log(2+$x[3])-exp($x[1]*$x[2])*im; 5.434 μs (0 allocations: 0 bytes)
julia> y = rand(3); @gensym z; # transparent to non-TPS types
julia> @btime @FastGTPSA! $z = $y[1]^3*sin($y[2])/log(2+$y[3])-exp($y[1]*$y[2])*im; 20.058 ns (0 allocations: 0 bytes)

Both @FastGTPSA and @FastGTPSA! can also be prepended to a block of code, in which case they are applied to each assignment in the block:

julia> d = Descriptor(3, 7); x = vars(d);
julia> y = rand(3);
julia> @btime @FastGTPSA begin t1 = $x[1]^3*sin($x[2])/log(2+$x[3])-exp($x[1]*$x[2])*im; t2 = $x[1]^3*sin($x[2])/log(2+$x[3])-exp($x[1]*$x[2])*im; z = $y[1]^3*sin($y[2])/log(2+$y[3])-exp($y[1]*$y[2])*im; end; 10.970 μs (4 allocations: 3.88 KiB)
julia> t3 = ComplexTPS64(); t4 = ComplexTPS64(); @gensym w;
julia> @btime @FastGTPSA! begin $t3 = $x[1]^3*sin($x[2])/log(2+$x[3])-exp($x[1]*$x[2])*im; $t4 = $x[1]^3*sin($x[2])/log(2+$x[3])-exp($x[1]*$x[2])*im; $w = $y[1]^3*sin($y[2])/log(2+$y[3])-exp($y[1]*$y[2])*im; end; 10.770 μs (0 allocations: 0 bytes)

Both macros are also compatible with broadcasted, vectorized operators:

julia> d = Descriptor(3, 7); x = vars(d); y = rand(3);
julia> @btime @FastGTPSA begin out = @. $x^3*sin($y)/log(2+$x)-exp($x*$y)*im; end; 14.286 μs (7 allocations: 5.89 KiB)
julia> out = zeros(ComplexTPS64, 3); # pre-allocate
julia> @btime @FastGTPSA! begin @. $out = $x^3*sin($y)/log(2+$x)-exp($x*$y)*im; end; 14.047 μs (0 allocations: 0 bytes)

The advantages of using the macros become especially apparent in more complicated systems, for example in benchmark/track.jl.

Promotion of TPS64 to ComplexTPS64

TPS64s and ComplexTPS64s can be mixed freely without concern. Any time an operation with a TPS64 and a ComplexTPS64 or a Complex number occurs, the result will be a ComplexTPS64. A ComplexTPS64 can be converted back to a TPS64 using the real and imag operators.