Table of Contents

  1. Descriptor: Defines the number of variables and parameters, and orders for each in the GTPSA
  2. TPS: Truncated Power Series struct
  3. @vars, @params: Creates a vector of TPSs corresponding to each variable ($\Delta x_i$) or parameter ($\Delta k_j$) in the GTPSA
  4. Monomial Indexing: Get/set individual monomial coefficients
  5. mono: Creates a TPS corresponding to a specific monomial
  6. gradient, jacobian, hessian: Extracts specific partial derivatives from a TPS
  7. Slicing and par: Indexing a specific polynomial within a TPS
  8. TPS-Specific Functions: Evaluate, compose, translate, integrate, differentiate, invert, etc.
  9. @FastGTPSA/@FastGTPSA! Macros: Speed up evaluation of expressions containing TPSs, transparent to other types
  10. I/O: Reading/writing TPSs
  11. Global Variables: Global non-constant variables
  12. All Overloaded Functions: List of all overloaded Base functions and more