Monomial Indexing
Get/set individual monomial coefficients
Individual monomial coefficients in a TPS can be get/set with three methods of indexing: by monomial index, by order, and by sparse monomial.
By Monomial Index
This indexing method requires care when indexing monomials above first order. Indexes the TPS with all monomials sorted by order. For example, for a TPS with one variable $\Delta x_1$ and one parameter $\Delta k_1$ the $\Delta x_1$ monomial is indexed with t[1]
and the $\Delta x_1^2$ monomial is indexed with either t[3]
. The $\Delta k_1$ monomial can be indexed with either t[2]
or equivalently using the param
helper kwarg t[param=1]
, which simply adds the number of variables in the GTPSA to the provided index. Note that above first-order, the param
kwarg is basically useless. The zeroth order part, or the scalar part of the TPS, can be set with t[0]
. This method requires zero allocations for indexing, unlike the other two.
julia> # Example of indexing by monomial index -----------
julia> d = Descriptor(2, 10, 1, 10);
julia> t = TPS{d}(); # Create zero TPS based on d
julia> t[0] = 0;
julia> t[1] = 1;
julia> t[2] = 2;
julia> t[3] = 3; # or t[param=1] = 3
julia> t[4] = 4;
julia> t[5] = 5;
julia> t[6] = 6;
julia> t[7] = 7;
julia> t[8] = 8;
julia> t[9] = 9;
julia> t[10] = 10;
julia> print(t)
TPS64{Descriptor(NV=2, MO=10, NP=1, PO=10)}: Coefficient Order Exponent 1.0000000000000000e+00 1 1 0 | 0 2.0000000000000000e+00 1 0 1 | 0 3.0000000000000000e+00 1 0 0 | 1 4.0000000000000000e+00 2 2 0 | 0 5.0000000000000000e+00 2 1 1 | 0 6.0000000000000000e+00 2 0 2 | 0 7.0000000000000000e+00 2 1 0 | 1 8.0000000000000000e+00 2 0 1 | 1 9.0000000000000000e+00 2 0 0 | 2 1.0000000000000000e+01 3 3 0 | 0
By Order
t[[<var_1 order>, ..., <var_N order>,<param_1 order>, ..., <param_M order>]]
t[(<var_1 order>, ..., <var_N order>,<param_1 order>, ..., <param_M order>)]
A particular monomial can be indexed by specifying the orders of each variable and parameter. For example, for a TPS t
with variables $\Delta x_1$, $\Delta x_2$ and parameters $\Delta k_1$, $\Delta k_2$, the $\Delta x_1^3\Delta x_2^1\Delta k_1^2$ monomial coefficient is accessed with t[[3,1,2,0]]
or equivalently t[[3,1,2]]
, as leaving out trailing zeros for unincluded variables/parameters is allowed. A tuple is also allowed instead of a vector for the list of orders.
julia> d = Descriptor(2, 6, 3, 6); # 2 variables, 3 parameters all to 6th order
julia> Δx = @vars(d);
julia> Δk = @params(d);
julia> f = 5 + sin(Δx[1])*sin(Δx[2])*cos(Δk[1])
TPS64{Descriptor(NV=2, MO=6, NP=3, PO=6)}: Coefficient Order Exponent 5.0000000000000000e+00 0 0 0 | 0 0 0 1.0000000000000000e+00 2 1 1 | 0 0 0 -1.6666666666666666e-01 4 3 1 | 0 0 0 -1.6666666666666666e-01 4 1 3 | 0 0 0 -5.0000000000000000e-01 4 1 1 | 2 0 0 8.3333333333333332e-03 6 5 1 | 0 0 0 2.7777777777777776e-02 6 3 3 | 0 0 0 8.3333333333333332e-03 6 1 5 | 0 0 0 8.3333333333333329e-02 6 3 1 | 2 0 0 8.3333333333333329e-02 6 1 3 | 2 0 0 4.1666666666666664e-02 6 1 1 | 4 0 0
julia> f[[3,1,2]] # Leave out trailing zeros for unincluded variables/parameters
julia> f[[0]] # Scalar part
julia> f[(1,1,1,1,1)] = 123; # Set monomial coefficient
julia> print(f)
TPS64{Descriptor(NV=2, MO=6, NP=3, PO=6)}: Coefficient Order Exponent 5.0000000000000000e+00 0 0 0 | 0 0 0 1.0000000000000000e+00 2 1 1 | 0 0 0 -1.6666666666666666e-01 4 3 1 | 0 0 0 -1.6666666666666666e-01 4 1 3 | 0 0 0 -5.0000000000000000e-01 4 1 1 | 2 0 0 1.2300000000000000e+02 5 1 1 | 1 1 1 8.3333333333333332e-03 6 5 1 | 0 0 0 2.7777777777777776e-02 6 3 3 | 0 0 0 8.3333333333333332e-03 6 1 5 | 0 0 0 8.3333333333333329e-02 6 3 1 | 2 0 0 8.3333333333333329e-02 6 1 3 | 2 0 0 4.1666666666666664e-02 6 1 1 | 4 0 0
By Sparse Monomial
t[[<ix_var> => <order>, ...], params=[<ix_param> => <order>, ...]]
t[(<ix_var> => <order>, ...), params=(<ix_param> => <order>, ...)]
In GTPSAs with many variables and parameters, indexing-by-order is inconvenient because each order needs to be included up to the last included variable/parameter with nonzero order. In this case, a particular monomial can be indexed instead by specifying each variable/parameter number and its corresponding order in pairs. For example, for a TPS with variables $\Delta x_1, ..., \Delta x_{15}$ and parameters $\Delta k_1, ..., \Delta k_{10}$, the $\Delta x_{1}^3\Delta x_{15}^1\Delta k_{10}^2$ monomial coefficient is accessed with t[[1=>3, 15=>1], params=[10=>2]]
. The scalar part of the TPS cannot be get/set with this method. A tuple is also allowed instead of a vector for the list of pairs.
julia> d = Descriptor(15, 6, 10, 6); # 15 variables, 10 parameters all to 6th order
julia> GTPSA.show_sparse = true; # Use sparse output
julia> Δx = @vars(d);
julia> Δk = @params(d);
julia> f = 5 + sin(Δx[1])*sin(Δx[15])*cos(Δk[10])
TPS64{Descriptor(NV=15, MO=6, NP=10, PO=6)}: Coefficient Order Monomial 5.0000000000000000e+00 0 1 1.0000000000000000e+00 2 (Δx₁)¹ (Δx₁₅)¹ -1.6666666666666666e-01 4 (Δx₁)³ (Δx₁₅)¹ -1.6666666666666666e-01 4 (Δx₁)¹ (Δx₁₅)³ -5.0000000000000000e-01 4 (Δx₁)¹ (Δx₁₅)¹ (Δk₁₀)² 8.3333333333333332e-03 6 (Δx₁)⁵ (Δx₁₅)¹ 2.7777777777777776e-02 6 (Δx₁)³ (Δx₁₅)³ 8.3333333333333332e-03 6 (Δx₁)¹ (Δx₁₅)⁵ 8.3333333333333329e-02 6 (Δx₁)³ (Δx₁₅)¹ (Δk₁₀)² 8.3333333333333329e-02 6 (Δx₁)¹ (Δx₁₅)³ (Δk₁₀)² 4.1666666666666664e-02 6 (Δx₁)¹ (Δx₁₅)¹ (Δk₁₀)⁴
julia> f[[1=>3, 15=>1], params=[10=>2]]
julia> f[(1=>1, 15=>2), params=(10=>3,)] = 123; # Set monomial coefficient
julia> print(f)
TPS64{Descriptor(NV=15, MO=6, NP=10, PO=6)}: Coefficient Order Monomial 5.0000000000000000e+00 0 1 1.0000000000000000e+00 2 (Δx₁)¹ (Δx₁₅)¹ -1.6666666666666666e-01 4 (Δx₁)³ (Δx₁₅)¹ -1.6666666666666666e-01 4 (Δx₁)¹ (Δx₁₅)³ -5.0000000000000000e-01 4 (Δx₁)¹ (Δx₁₅)¹ (Δk₁₀)² 8.3333333333333332e-03 6 (Δx₁)⁵ (Δx₁₅)¹ 2.7777777777777776e-02 6 (Δx₁)³ (Δx₁₅)³ 8.3333333333333332e-03 6 (Δx₁)¹ (Δx₁₅)⁵ 8.3333333333333329e-02 6 (Δx₁)³ (Δx₁₅)¹ (Δk₁₀)² 8.3333333333333329e-02 6 (Δx₁)¹ (Δx₁₅)³ (Δk₁₀)² 1.2300000000000000e+02 6 (Δx₁)¹ (Δx₁₅)² (Δk₁₀)³ 4.1666666666666664e-02 6 (Δx₁)¹ (Δx₁₅)¹ (Δk₁₀)⁴