Global Variables

The following non-constant global variables can be set:

desc_current::Descriptor     # Descriptor to use when dynamic Descriptor resolution cannot infer
show_eps::Float64 =  0.0     # Print epsilon
show_sparse::Bool = false    # Use sparse monomial print

desc_current defines the Descriptor to use when that information is not explicitly (or implicitly in a TPS copy constructor) available with dynamic Descriptor resolution, e.g. when calling TPS(a) where a is not a TPS

show_eps defines the value below which the absolute value of a monomial coefficient is NOT printed

show_sparse specifies whether the sparse monomial format is used for printing. This is useful for GTPSAs containing a large number of variables and parameters


julia> GTPSA.desc_currentDescriptor(NV=100, MO=1, NP=10, PO=1)
julia> d6 = Descriptor(1, 6);
julia> GTPSA.desc_currentDescriptor(NV=1, MO=6)
julia> t = TPS()TPS64{GTPSA.Dynamic}: Descriptor(NV=1, MO=6) Coefficient Order Exponent 0.0000000000000000e+00 0 0
julia> GTPSA.show_sparse = true;
julia> xERROR: UndefVarError: `x` not defined
julia> GTPSA.show_sparse = false;
julia> GTPSA.show_sparsefalse
julia> xERROR: UndefVarError: `x` not defined