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Development Guidelines

It is recommended that PyTao is updated and maintained in the following way. This workflow was not invented by this project, there are many helpful tutorials online like this if you want more information.

Creating a Local Checkout

If you want to make changes to a repository the first step is to create your own fork. This allows you to create feature branches without cluttering the main repository. It also assures that the main repository is only added to by Pull Request and review. Repositories can be forked from the GitHub site like presented at this example. Once this repository is created, you can clone into your own workspace.

$ git clone

Now, that we have a copy of the repository create a branch for the feature or bug you would like to work on.

$ git checkout -b my-feature

$ git status
On branch my-feature
nothing to commit, working tree clean

Commit Guidelines

Now you are ready to start working! Make changes to files and commit them to your new branch. We like to preface our commit messages with a descriptor code. This makes it easier for someone reviewing your commit history to see what you have done. These are borrowed from the NumPy development documentation.

Code Description

API an (incompatible) API change BLD change related to building BUG bug fix DEP deprecate something, or remove a deprecated object DEV development tool or utility DOC documentation ENH enhancement MNT maintenance commit (refactoring, typos, etc.) REV revert an earlier commit STY style fix (whitespace, PEP8) TST addition or modification of tests REL related to releasing numpy WIP Commit that is a work in progress

It is also helpful underneath classes and functions to write docstrings. These are later converted by Sphinx into HTML documentation. They also are a valuable tool for exploration of a codebase within an IPython terminal. Docstrings should follow the form described in the NumPy documentation

Merging Changes

Once you are happy with your code, push it back to your fork on GitHub.

$ git push origin my-feature

You should now be able to create a Pull Request back to the original repository. You should never commit directly back to the original repository. In fact, if you are creating a new repository it is possible to strictly disallow this by explicitly protecting certain branches from direct commits.The reason we feel strongly that Pull Requests are necessary because they:

1) Allows other collaborators to view the changes you made, and give feedback. 2) Leave an easily understood explanation to why these changes are necessary.

Once these changes are deemed acceptable to enter the main repository, they Pull Request can be merged.

Syncing your Local Checkout

Inevitably, changes to the upstream repository will occur and you will need to update your local checkout to reflect those. The first step is to make your local checkout aware of the upstream repository. If this is done correctly, you should see something like this:

$ git remote add upstream
$ git remote -v
origin (fetch)
origin (push)
upstream (fetch)
upstream (push)

Now, we need to fetch any changes from the upstream repository. git fetch will grab the latest commits that were merged since we made our own fork

$ git fetch upstream

Ideally you haven\'t made any changes to your master branch. So you should be able to merge the latest master branch from the upstream repository without concern. All you need to do is to switch to your master branch, and pull in the changes from the upstream remote. It is usually a good idea to push any changes back to your fork as well.

$ git checkout master
$ git pull upstream master
$ git push origin master

Finally, we need to update our feature-branch to have the new changes. Here we use a git rebase to take our local changes, remove them temporarily, pull the upstream changes into our branch, and then re-add our local changes on the tip of the commit history. This avoids extraneous merge commits that clog the commit history of the branch. A more in-depth discussion can be found here. This process should look like this:

$ git checkout my-feature
$ git rebase upstream/master


This process should not be done if you think that anyone else is also working on that branch. The rebasing process re-writes the commit history so any other checkout of the same branch referring to the old history will create duplicates of all the commits.